Horoscope & Trends: Gemini Season

Horoscope & Trends: Gemini Season

Happy Gemini season! Playful, bold, and intellectually curious, Gemini is constantly juggling a variety of passions, hobbies, careers, and friend groups. Boredom does not exist in Gemini’s dictionary. Your sense of style reflects who you truly are; playful but sweet and elegant. And you are proud of this fact! Pieces that you gravitate towards are […]

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Horoscope & Trends: Taurus Season

Horoscope & Trends: Taurus Season

Happy Taurus season! The brain and brawn of the horoscope, Taurus is ambitious, trustworthy, and grounded in whatever they do. You crave for effortless outfits that are made to last, so it is no surprise to find statement but versatile pieces in your closet. You focus your energy on work and other aspects of life, […]

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